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Since 2011, Watson has hosted his own YouTube channel, prisonplanetlive, on which he expresses his views on topics such as contemporary society, politics, and modern liberalism in an often mocking manner. Watson has been working at InfoWars since October 2002. Watson also contributes to InfoWars 's talk radio program The Alex Jones Show, which he occasionally hosts or co-hosts. They now mainly focus on criticizing feminism, Islam, and left-wing politics. Subsequently, reaching a significant audience, both Watson and Jones altered their focus. As editor-at-large of Jones' website InfoWars, he helped promote fake news and advocated for 9/11, chemtrail and New World Order conspiracy theories. Watson's career emerged through his work for conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. In May 2019, Facebook and Instagram permanently banned Watson for violation of hate speech policies.

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Until July 2016, Watson embraced the label ' alt-right', but he now identifies as part of the new right.

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Paul Joseph Watson (born ) is a British far-right YouTuber, radio host and conspiracy theorist.

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